Elevate your impact with the LEAP Innovations EdTech Innovator Membership

Join a community of cutting-edge EdTech companies to drive innovation in education. Our membership provides you with exclusive access to R&D opportunities, LEAP’s Personalized Learning EdTech Innovator Certification, and powerful brand recognition. Membership and certification place you on the list of approved partners to participate in the Pilot Network. Connect directly with schools, collaborate with education leaders, and access exclusive resources to drive innovation and impact. Join the LEAP EdTech Innovator Membership and make a transformative difference in education!

LEAP EdTech Innovator Annual Membership 

Annual Membership Benefits:

  • LEAP Personalized Learning EdTech Innovator Certification:

    • Application and Certification Process (one product) (see criteria below) 

      • Additional product certifications available 

    • LEAP Innovations Certified EdTech Innovator Distinction

    • Alignment to the National research-based LEAP Learning Framework™

    • Alignment to the National Convergence Framework

    • Placement on certified LEAP EdTech Innovator list: website, shareable link, Modern Teacher Platform 

  • EdTech Innovator Community (Industry Insights, EdTech Exchange, EdTech Connect):

    • Network with innovative membership partners, schools, districts, and organizations

    • Innovator Insight bi-annual Meetings (virtual)

      • Education Leader feedback on industry trends and needs

      • Updates on relevant educational policies and regulations

      • Group problem-solving sessions on industry challenges

      • Research Based alignment trends

  • Professional Development & R&D Opportunities:

    • Access to invite-only professional development sessions

    • Partner pricing to LEAP workshops, conferences, and events

    • Real time feedback opportunities from education leaders, principals, teachers and coaches

  • Recognition Opportunities:

    • Featured on LEAP Innovations EdTech Innovator webpage: Logo, Overview, Video Link, Framework(s) Alignment

    • Name and logo included in Pilot Network Communication

    • Featured presentation opportunities Pilot Network professional development sessions

    • LEAP Innovations - (up to 2) Social media spotlights 

    • Link to Innovator page shared in LEAP Innovations (all contacts) regular Newsletter

  • LEAP Pilot Network Cohort(s) Participation for the Membership Year:

    • Membership and certification place you on the list of approved Pilot Network Partners

    • Certified EdTech Innovators are eligible to be matched and chosen by Pilot Network School(s)

    • Feedback from school teams through Match Day process

    • See Pilot Network Program description below

      • EdTech Innovators can opt out of cohort participation

      • Multiple pilot matches would provide additional sponsorship options

    • See more details on Pilot Network program described below

EdTech Innovator


The EdTech solution is a K-12 learner or teacher centered educational tech tool specializing in curricular content, social emotional learning, mental health & wellness, instructional support, productivity, and/or student and family engagement.

  • The technology product itself should be a generally available (GA) enterprise-grade offering that has completed its full product release cycle.

  • The EdTech Innovator must offer a robust and well-rounded support model to ensure successful implementation and ongoing utilization of their platform.

  • Adequate resources should be allocated for setup and professional development. This includes on-site availability as needed. Professional development should provide educators with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively leverage the tool's features and functionalities.

  • The EdTech Innovator is responsible for any troubleshooting needs with a support team that is readily available and responsive to address issues in a timely and efficient manner. Issues must be addressed promptly to provide a seamless experience for educational institutions and users and to ensure access and utilization is uninterrupted.

  • EdTech Innovator must have the following data security protocols in place:

    • Robust encryption protocols to protect sensitive student data during transmission and storage

    • Stringent access controls and authentication measures to prevent unauthorized access

    • Regular security audits and penetration testing to identify and address vulnerabilities

    • Comprehensive security incident response plan and breach notification procedures

  • EdTech Innovator must have the following data privacy protocols in place:

    • Strict compliance with applicable student online personal information protection/data privacy regulations across states

    • Comprehensive data governance policies and procedures for responsible data handling

    • Limited data collection, retaining only necessary student information

    • Transparency in data practices through clear and accessible privacy policies

    • Employee training programs to reinforce data privacy best practices

EdTech Innovators  –

EdTech Innovators  –

LEAP Innovations: Approach

At LEAP Innovations, we design personalized professional learning and coaching for schools, districts, and community-based organizations. Our approach is grounded in research and is committed to creating sustainable solutions that contribute to a more innovative, resilient, and inclusive world.

LEAP Learning Framework™:At LEAP Innovations, our definition of personalized learning lies within the construct of the LEAP Learning Framework’s four core components: Personalized learning is focused on, led with and demonstrated by the learner, and is connected to career-relevant, real-world skills and opportunities.

The LEAP Learning Framework is grounded in three evidence-based, fundamental principles:

  • Every learner can succeed with support that’s customized to the child’s interests and needs.

  • Every learner brings strengths and talents to the classroom.

  • Learner agency is essential.

LEAP Pilot Network: The Pilot Network is a cohort-based program to support forward-thinking school teams to design, pilot and scale innovative approaches to sustainable school improvement. We believe that pairing growth mindset, strong instruction, and student-led practices with the right tools is the key to addressing learning gaps. LEAP Innovations identifies proven, research-based solutions to address these needs. The EdTech Innovator Membership provides you with the opportunity to be matched with participating schools. The LEAP team carefully matches each school with tools based on their needs. (There may be instances where your tool does not align with the needs of the participating schools.) After Match Day, each school team selects the EdTech Innovator to partner with during the program to pilot, launch and scale solutions connected to their opportunity of practice and school improvement goal.

Two Pilot Network cohorts will participate in SY25.

Cohort 8

  • September 2024 - June 2025, Chicago

  • 10 Schools

  • Match Day: October 25, 2024

  • School Training and Set up: November-December 2024

  • Pilot Implementation: January - June 2025

Cohort 9

  • October 2024 - June 2025, Chicagoland

  • 10 Schools

  • Match Day: December 2024 (date TBD)

  • School Training and Set Up: January 2025

  • Pilot Implementation: February - June 2025

Convergence Framework: Nationally recognized framework that drives systemic change at scale for districts to achieve personalized and Competency Based Learning at scale. The Convergence Framework offers a flexible, scalable approach to drive transformational change across school districts. By focusing on six key drivers, the Framework provides a structured path for implementing modern learning practices at scale. Each driver is composed of actionable steps, or Success Indicators, that guide district leaders through the process of transformation. This multifaceted approach differs from single-point solutions by addressing various interconnected aspects of the educational ecosystem simultaneously. As districts progress through the seven stages of the Framework, the convergence of these drivers leads to a more personalized learning experience for all  students. By aligning efforts across different areas, districts can create the necessary conditions and infrastructure to support innovative teaching and learning practices.