Artificial Intelligence
in Education
LEAP Innovations accelerates education for every learner by building capacity for personalized learning and innovation. Using evidence-based frameworks, we transform learning into a deeply personal experience through professional learning, coaching, and sustainable innovation, reaching from individual classrooms to entire school districts.
Since 2014, LEAP has supported the selection and implementation of technology tools to exponentially expand support teachers’ ability to personalize the learning experience. LEAP facilitates dynamic learning to elevate best practices, promote safe and effective AI integration, and advance equitable, impactful and personalized learning experiences that redefine what’s possible in education.
The LEAP Approach | Evidence-based professional learning that:
Leverages adult expertise and voice
Balances learning and pedagogy with application
Leverages learning science and design thinking
Works with your organizational tools, structures, curriculum and standards
Rooted in research and evidence based practices from LEAP Frameworks

Results | Support effective teaching and learning
Improve educator and school leader AI literacy and comfort
Increase understanding of AI as an emerging and durable career-readiness skill for students
Identify opportunities, use cases and best practices for AI to support personalized learning and enhance student outcomes
Support classroom, school and district-wide implementation of AI-powered solutions to support effective teaching, transform learning, and prepare students for the future of work
AI DESIGN SPRINT | The AI Design Sprint guides school or district leaders and their teams through the design thinking process, leveraging student and teacher voice, to identify use cases, build and prototype tools, policies and guidelines for AI implementation that enhance student learning. Design Sprints include a series of professional learning and design sessions personalized to your school or district goals.
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES | Leverage the power of community and frequent touch points. The Professional Learning Community (PLC) provides time, space, and connection to support AI professional learning, building and implementing Playlab apps, and more.
AI WORKSHOPS | These sessions combine personalized learning and AI providing a hands-on and interactive experience that is rooted in current research, LEAP Frameworks, and AI efficiencies. Teachers and leaders develop mindsets and learn instructional strategies to engage learners, shift the cognitive lift to students, and set conditions for students and teachers to be agents of their own learning. Workshops are full-day, half-day or tailored to your institute day or staff meeting schedule.
Personalized Learning
Learner Agency & Student-Ownership
Engagement Strategies
Strategies to Deepen Teacher to Student Relationships
Learner Playlists, Menus & Pathway
Scaffolding & Supporting for Diverse Needs
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DESIGN | Design and implement a professional development arc aligned to your school or district’s goals and AI priorities. The LEAP team provides expert coaching, professional development sessions and other support. LEAP can also provide guidance on selecting and piloting AI-powered tools for teachers and students.
Playlab is designed for safe and secure use in schools and organizations. Playlab empowers educators, schools, and impact organizations to create their own AI-powered tools. LEAP provides professional learning and programming to support exploration, implementation and AI learning to schools and districts leveraging Playlab AI to transform teaching and learning.
Let’s Get Started.
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