Unveiling the Future of Learning: The AI Dilemma & Leveraging AI

Workshop Session 1:

To kick off the summer series, participants will explore the impact of AI on education from a thirty thousand foot view.  We will frame our exploration of AI by addressing the critical question: If AI is the answer, what is the problem we are attempting to solve?  Additionally, we will establish a core framework and language that school leaders can adopt to facilitate meaningful discussion, decision making, and guidelines.  Additionally, participants will grapple with multiple education dilemmas presented by AI as well as developing the required awareness and skill set to leverage AI to overcome and mitigate these challenges. Through three key lenses: educator productivity, classroom experience co-design, and student use, session participants will be explore both conceptual and practical approaches to AI. 

Workshop Session 2:

With a solid foundation of conceptual frameworks and language, along with improved technical capacity for manipulating and integrating AI into educational settings, series participants are poised to move forward and thoughtfully lead their school or district. Session two will help school leaders design a plan and path to move forward in their school or district while acknowledging both the concern and excitement that educators and students are bringing into the classroom. By exploring practical approaches to AI to enhance the students experience, while also recognizing the potential risks and need for institutional change, participants will be poised to have improved discussion, identify opportunities in their district and thoughtfully move forward with AI.